English Service - Dominant Logic Perfective a Case Study: MRO Readiness Business Model Transition Concept
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Objective - The Service-Dominant Logic (SDL) concept was first promoted by Vargo & Lusch (2004a) because of a shift in marketing perspective that prioritizes services in the exchange process. The SDL perspective consists of eight aspects namely, operant resources, resourcing, servicing and experiencing, value proposing, dialogue, value-creation (Value Co-creation Ontology — A Service-dominant Logic Perspective Value Co-Creation Ontology — A Service- dominant Logic Perspective) networks, learning via exchanges and collaborative. Companies are recently affected by an ongoing change of customer behavior. Customers are no longer solely interested in product offerings but call for a provision of service solutions that accompany these offerings. This change goes along with a need for companies to redefine their idea of how to create and capture value. Against this background, as a result, we develop a set of propositions describing the influence of a company’s service-dominant business logic on basic elements of a company’s business model. Our research shows that a fundamental redesign of the business model is necessary to successfully implement service-dominant logic. Design/methodology/approach – This study uses Mixed methodological approach. First using survey data from aircraft manufacturer ang second using literature study for choosing business model MRO create with SDL for supporting.
Findings - How does an increased focus on service influence a company’s business model? We examine this question based on the service-dominant logic concept as well as the business model concept and discuss possibilities how to adapt the business model to a service dominant business logic
Originality/value - This development the aircraft manufacturing companies to rethink their basic business logic by paying more attention to the crucial service aspect.
Paper type - Conceptual paper
Keywords: Service-Dominant Logic (SDL), Value Co-creation, Business Model