P - ISSN : 2503-4413
E - ISSN : 2654-5837
Eqien Journal of Economics and Business is a peer review of national journals published by the Community Research and Community Service of STIE DR KHEZ Muttaqien in Purwakarta in the Management study program, which was first published in 2012. The editor welcomed all the public, especially academics, researchers to contribute their intellectual dedication in the form of articles that will be published in this journal that are genuine and have not been published in any media. Articles can be written in Indonesian or English.
Eqien Journal of Economics and Business has been indexed in Google Scholar; BASE; One Search; Garuda Dikti; ICI ( Copernicus); ROAD; Crossref; SIndex; Scilit; Jurnal Factor; Neliti.
The Eqien Journal of Economics and Bu has been a Member of Crossref since 2019. Therefore, all articles published by Eqien Journal of Economics and Business will have a unique DOI (Digital Object Identifier) number
DOI: https://doi.org/10.34308/eqien.v6i2
Published: 2019-09-05