Journal title Eqien - Journal of Economics and Business
Initials Eqien
DOI Prefix 10.34308 by Crossref
ISSN Media Online : 2654-5837 Media Print : 2503-4413
Acreditation Terakreditasi Kemenristekdikti ( Sinta 5 )
Editor-in-chief Dedeng Abdul Gani Amruloh
Publisher Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi DR. KH EZ Muttaqien
Citation Analysis Google Scholar; BASE; One Search; Garuda Dikti; ICI ( Copernicus); ROAD; Crossref; SIndex; Scilit; Jurnal Factor; Neliti; Dimensions
About Journal  Eqien – Journal Ekonomi dan Bisnia (Eqien - Journal of Economics and Business), is a peer-reviewed national journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi DR KHEZ Muttaqien in Purwakarta. Eqien - Journal of Economics and Business discusses economics and business in a broad scope. This journal was first published in 2012. The editorial team welcomes the entire community, especially academics and researchers, to contribute their intellectual dedication in the form of original articles published in this journal that have never been published in any media. Articles can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English.

Eqien Journal of Economics and Business has been indexed in Google Scholar; BASE; One Search; Garuda Dikti; ICI ( Copernicus); ROAD; Crossref; SIndex; Scilit; Jurnal Factor; Neliti, SINTA (Sinta 5). Dimensions

Vol 13 No 01 (2024): Eqien Journal Of Economics and Business

Eqien – Journal Ekonomi dan Bisnia (Eqien - Journal of Economics and Business), is a peer-reviewed national journal published by the Institute for Research and Community Service Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi DR KHEZ Muttaqien in Purwakarta. Eqien - Journal of Economics and Business discusses economics and business in a broad scope. This journal was first published in 2012. The editorial team welcomes the entire community, especially academics and researchers, to contribute their intellectual dedication in the form of original articles published in this journal that have never been published in any media. Articles can be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English.

Eqien Journal of Economics and Business has been indexed in Google Scholar; BASE; One Search; Garuda Dikti; ICI ( Copernicus); ROAD; Crossref; SIndex; Scilit; Jurnal Factor; Neliti, SINTA (Sinta 5). Dimensions

Published Volume 13 No.01 March 2024

Published: 2024-02-11

Validasi Kriteria Pemilihan Karyawan Terbaik menggunakan Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) (Studi Kasus Pada PT AIND)

Tri Hadi Sulistyanto, Rahayu Septyaning Mistina, R, Cecep Jaenal Muslimin, Yeni Heryani, YH | Pages 140-148

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